Short History About the School

The Brian J. Knightley school is a Christian institute established to transform the next generation of Liberia. Our school focuses on excellent academics and a Christ-centered worldview. We are committed to provide our students with top-notch education and the opportunity to be fed spiritually and restored into a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

The name Brian J. Knightley is a well-known name in Liberia. The late Colonel Knightley was a Salvation Army missionary who arrived in Liberia in 1991 with a vision from God; to transform the lives of young Liberians. Colonel Knightley inspired many Liberians, including the school’s founder, Ernest C. Suah Sr. The Brian J. Knightley School was named in his honor for his good work in Liberia.

On February 5, 2016, God led the founder to the United States and he became a member of Antioch All Nations Church located in Pennsylvania, where he currently serves as a leader. He has also been dispatched as a PGM (Professional for Global Mission) missionary.

Antioch All Nations Church and PGM have since been partnering with the Brian J. Knightley School to bring Liberians to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to be trained as future missionaries to serve in and out of Liberia. Our mission is preparing our student in every way possible for future endeavours and to spread the gospel whereever they go. 

Message From Our Proprietor/Founder

The Brian J. Knightley School is a Christian institution established to meet the moral, physical, Academic and above all the Spiritual needs of all, regardless of status, making them fully prepared to live life as a true followers of Christ Jesus.  (Roman 14:8 “If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord”).

It is indeed true that I have mentioned four focus points of our vision. (Moral, physical, Academic and Spiritual). Spiritual or Christian education is holistic. It prepares everyone to face life challenges. (“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future”. — Jeremiah 29:11). Spiritual or Christian education is more beneficiary to our student and viewers in all aspects of life. It enables us to understand our service and leadership in all areas of professions thus enabling us share the gospel and serve our country and community with the fear of God.

As a founder and proprietor of this noble institution, I do believe the younger generation has the potential to transform every nation but they as well as the older generation failed because we have not recognized God. We failed to surrender ourselves fully unto him for directions. We fully concentrate on preparing for a better future, and enjoying life from our human prospective. (Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words shall not pass away”). (Mark 8:36 “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul”)?

These verses are clear indications that our desire to be educated and live life fully without God is vanity. Likewise education without the knowledge and fear of God is incomplete. In order to accomplish our mission, our school is currently partnering with Professional for Global Mission (USA) and Professional for Global Mission (West Africa) training young Africans to become follower of Jesus Christ. You can be a part of this great mission and carry out God’s work wherever you go. May God Almighty take control as we journey together with Christ? Remember we are “One In Christ Jesus (OICJ)”. Amen.

Our Administrators

Mr. Ernest C. Suah Sr

Proprietor & Founder

Mr. Ciseor Beh

Academics Supervisor

Mrs. Kebeh M. Suah

Proprietress & Founder

Mrs. Ernestine Suah Gaye

Vice Principal for Student Affairs

Mr. Ernest H. Suah Jr.


Mr. Patrick Clarke Jergboe

Vice Principal

Pastor N. Paygar Gargar

School Advisor

Our Teachers

Mr. Bobby Garyeazon

Mr. Exodus Williams

Mr. Eben P. Garsaynee

Mr. Henry D. Larway

Mr. Cassius Weay

Mr. Erick Wansia

Mr. Varney E. Sesay

Mr. Alexander Toquio

Mrs. Mary Lupaye

Ms. Victoria Whea

Ms. Janet T. Quarty

Ms. Eva King

Ms. Abiba K. Momo

Our Board of Advisors

Pastor Eddie Ko

Pastor Mirriam Ko

Deacon John Chung